Our Standards


Shared Care’s standard for accommodation is to provide each young person a lockable bedroom equipped to meet their needs, with space for personal possessions, access to basic essentials such as bedding, personal hygiene products and eating utensils and a comfortable space, whether private or shared.

The Garforth home has one self-contained annex and two bedrooms with self-catering facilities. The bungalow has wide hallways and doors throughout making it wheelchair friendly.

Locality assessments are undertaken to ensure that our homes are safe and secure whilst allowing our young people to have easy access to local community facilities for their development and wellbeing.

We have maintenance programmes to ensure that the home, utilities and the grounds comply with health and safety laws.


Shared Care’s standard for support is to give each young person a dynamic support plan, based on referral information and consultation with them and a formal pathway plan for them to move on to more independent living, and to enable them to take the lead in their support and maintain appropriate and safe relationships with family and friends.

Our young person's guide spells out to them their rights, responsibilities, entitlements and obligations including ways and contacts to express their comments, compliments or complaints.



We ensure that our young persons' wellbeing and development  are at the centre of all we do in accordance with our Stamement of Purpose. 

Shared Care’s has a  current  workforce plan and continuous professional development training that reflects current laws. 

All staff will undergo DBS checks to ensure safe recruitment.

Shared Care’s standard for leadership and management includes ensuring that there are sufficient numbers of staff, with the right skills and experience at the right times for individual young persons according to their support plan. 

Our young persons are made aware of their rights and entitlements (e..g. The Local offer) and, where possible, are encouraged and assisted to access them. We have a business continuity plan to cater for any emergency circumstances.


Shared Care's standard for protection of our young people  involves working with other agencies ( following the 2018 government guide to safeguarding  practitioner information sharing) to ensure that they are;

 (i) protected from harm; 

(ii) enabled to keep themselves safe; 

(iii) have their individual needs met; 

(iv) have 24-hour access to help in a crisis or emergency situation.

Shared Care has a list of Safeguarding Policies and procedures for  which all staff have to comply with to ensure safety and wellbeing of our young people.

 Our locality assessments will be carried out routinely to ensure safety and security of our young people. 

Our P.A.C.E- trained support teams will be equipped with  skills needed to identify and act upon any possible risk or harm to our young people.